Friday, October 10, 2008

Laws are for Politicians

It is things like this that give the distinct impression that some of our law makers are corrupt and deceiving the public, and out for their own agenda. As much as Tom Craddock has been in the news over the past few years, the last thing voters of the state of Texas need is to know that this Tom Craddick is in business dealing with an undisclosed lobbyist. State law requires them to disclose a Company’s name in which they are in dealings with; however, they do not have to disclose the Lobbyist name they deal with.
This is conflict of interest at its finest. If I am in a business dealing with a company, and my passing of a bill or not passing it is going to benefit the company I am involved with, you better believe I am going to protect my investments, and if anyone of these political figures tell you they don’t; they are lying.
In 2006 a grand jury found that the state’s disclosure rules were pathetic and stated that the Texas ethics laws are less than desirable. If these laws are not strong enough to police our lawmakers from corruption, how are we as taxpayers supposed to trust that these politicians are working for our interests and not for their pocketbook?

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